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Restoration Era was created to transform life. Many regions in the world have lands that once were productive for agriculture and coastal fishing, but have been destroyed so they can no longer support those livelihoods. People end up slipping into poverty and experience increasing desperation. 


Reforestation alone will not solve the problem. Tree planting initiatives do not always help local communities. In fact, when done poorly, these initiatives can displace people, and if the income generated from the restored lands all goes to foreign investors, then the local community may be worse off than ever.

Restoration Era has a triple bottom line initiative to:

Restore the Environment
Create Jobs
Transform Lives


Rather than being a tree-focused reforestation company, we are a people-focused restoration cause.


We Restore the Environment by reforesting lands whose ecologies have been devastated.


We Create Jobs by hiring marginalized people to reforest their lands and stimulating additional community-based businesses.


We see Transformed Lives by treating people with dignity, caring about their wellbeing, and helping them thrive.

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